Easysoft ODBC-InterBase Driver

How do I connect an ODBC application to Interbase XE3 ToGo?

Last Reviewed:
30th January 2024

Use the InterBase ODBC Driver to connect ODBC applications to your Interbase XE3 ToGo database.

The InterBase ODBC Driver is available to download from the Easysoft web site:

  1. Download the Windows InterBase ODBC Driver.
  2. Install and license the InterBase ODBC Driver on the machine where your ODBC application is installed.

    For installation instructions, see the InterBase ODBC Driver documentation.

  3. Refer to the relevant section for information on what to do next.

I want to connect to a 64-bit Interbase XE3 ToGo database from a 64-bit application

  1. Locate the folder that contains the ibtogo64.dll.
  2. Copy ibtogo64.dll to the folder where ibclient64.dll is located.
  3. Add the folder that contains both DLLs to your Windows PATH.
  4. Set up an InterBase ODBC Driver data source that connects to Interbase XE3 ToGo.

    To do this, use the ODBC Data Source Administrator that is accessible from Administrative Tools in the Windows Control Panel.

I want to connect to a 32-bit Interbase XE3 ToGo database from a 32-bit application

  1. Locate the folder that contains the ibtogo.dll.
  2. Copy ibtogo.dll to the folder where gds32.dll is located.
  3. Add the folder that contains both DLLs to your Windows PATH.
  4. Set up an InterBase ODBC Driver data source that connects to Interbase XE3 ToGo.

    To do this on 32-bit Windows, use the ODBC Data Source Administrator that is accessible from Administrative Tools in the Windows Control Panel.

    To do this on 64-bit Windows, use the ODBC Data Source Administrator that is accessible by typing the following command in the Windows Run dialog box:


I want to connect to a 64-bit Interbase XE3 ToGo database from a 32-bit application

  1. Extract either the win32_full or win32_min folder from your XE3 ToGo zip file. License XE3 ToGo.
  2. Locate the folder that contains the ibtogo.dll.
  3. Copy ibtogo.dll to the folder where gds32.dll is located.
  4. Add the folder that contains both DLLs to your Windows PATH.
  5. Set up an InterBase ODBC Driver data source that connects to Interbase XE3 ToGo.

    To do this, use the ODBC Data Source Administrator that is accessible by typing the following command in the Windows Run dialog box:


I want to connect to a 32-bit Interbase XE3 ToGo database from a 64-bit application

  1. Extract either the win64_full or win64_min folder from your XE3 ToGo zip file. License XE3 ToGo.
  2. Locate the folder that contains the ibtogo64.dll.
  3. Copy ibtogo64.dll to the folder where ibclient64.dll is located.
  4. Add the folder that contains both DLLs to your Windows PATH.
  5. Set up an InterBase ODBC Driver data source that connects to Interbase XE3 ToGo.

    To do this, use the ODBC Data Source Administrator that is accessible from Administrative Tools in the Windows Control Panel.

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