Easysoft Data Access

I need to set some ODBC statement attributes but my application does not let me do this. What can I do?

Last Reviewed:
4th January 2024

The unixODBC attribute DMStmtAttr lets you set statement attributes in your ODBC data source. The process for setting standard ODBC statement attributes (i.e. those defined in the ODBC specification) is described in our Linux ODBC article.

Some ODBC drivers provide non standard statement attributes that allow database specific functionality to be requested / configured. In unixODBC 2.3.3 and later, you can also use DMStmtAttr to set these custom statement attributes:

  1. Download and build unixODBC 2.3.3 or later.
  2. In the relevant ODBC driver header file, locate the statement attributes you want to set.

    For example, a number of SQL Server specific statement attributes are contained in the header file sqlncli.h. This header file is included in the SQL Server ODBC driver distribution. For example:

    $ cd /usr/local/easysoft/sqlserver/include
    $ vi sqlncli.h

    We wanted to request a SQL Server query notification from PHP . The relevant statement attributes for us were:

    #define SQL_SOPT_SS_BASE                            1225
    /* Query notification options */
  3. Note down the integer value for each attribute you want to set.

    For example, we wanted to set all three query notification options. The integer values for these attributes were 1333 (1225+8), 1334 and 1335

  4. In your ODBC data source, use the DMStmtAttr attribute to set the statement attribute values.

    The format is:


    where xxxx is the integer attribute to set, yyyy is a decimal numeric value and ssss is a string value.

    We used DMStmtAttr to request a query notification subscription, set a timeout, and define a query notification message:

    DMStmtAttr=[1233]=\3600;[1234]={Person.Contact has changed};[1235]={service=ContactChangeNotifications}
  5. Make sure that your application is using the unixODBC Driver Manager you have just built as opposed to the Driver Manager supplied with your application / operating system / ODBC driver. To do this, set the appropriate linker environment variable or create a symbolic link to the 2.3.3+ Driver Manager. For example:
    LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/lib php subscribe.php
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