! What should I do if I get locking errors from either Easysoft Data Access for ISAM or my legacy application?

Easysoft ODBC-ISAM Driver

What should I do if I get locking errors from either Easysoft Data Access for ISAM or my legacy application?

Last Reviewed:
19th January 2024

If you get locking messages when accessing your files with both EDA for ISAM and a native application, the most likely reason is that your Easysoft locking mode in incorrect. Try changing it by using the following script, which is installed on the server:

cd /usr/local/easysoft/isam/lib

You should then see the following:

Disam Locking Mode Selection
** NOTE : All locking modes may not be available on all platforms **
1. Disam 96 (ISLOCKING = 1 C7LOCKING = 0) (cisam pre 4.1)
2. Disam 96 (ISLOCKING = 2 C7LOCKING = 0) (cisam pre 5.0)
3. Disam 96 (ISLOCKING = 2 C7LOCKING = 1) (cisam 5.0 > 7.1) [default]
4. Disam 96 (ISLOCKING = 2 C7LOCKING = 2) (cisam 7.2)
5. Disam 96 (ISLOCKING = 2 C7LOCKING = 2) (cisam 7.26)

Select required locking mode? (1-5) [3]:

If you do not know what version of C-ISAM you are running, cycle through all versions, One of them will set the locking mode correctly. The Easysoft software supports all locking modes for all versions of C-ISAM.

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