Easysoft ODBC-RMS Driver

I am having problems installing the ODBC for RMS driver on a Vax OpenVMS V5.5-2H4 machine.

Last Reviewed:
18th January 2024

If you get errors such as:




when installing Easysoft ODBC for RMS on a Vax running VMS5.5-2H4, you may find that the Easysoft driver will not work correctly with the TCP/IP Transport. Although LINK-I-UDFSYM is an informational message, it may cause a server access violation when used with TCP/IP.

To get around this problem, you need to have REXEC running on your TCP/IP software. If you have REXEC running when setting up your ODBC data source on Windows, just change your Easysoft transport in your ODBC data source to be REXEC.

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