Using ODBC with Salesforce and OneLogin Single Sign On (SSO)

This blog describes how to get an ODBC connection to a Salesforce instance that has been integrated with OneLogin.

The Salesforce ODBC driver has been tested with a Salesforce / OneLogin environment that was set up by following this OneLogin tutorial:

Using the Easysoft Salesforce ODBC Driver with OneLogin

Install and license the Salesforce ODBC driver.

Complete the Salesforce ODBC data source configuration dialog box as follows:

Use Oauth SSO OneLogin
User Name onelogin_user

For example,

Password The password for this user.
Consumer Key The client key for your OneLogin developer account.
Consumer Secret The secret for this client key.
SSO Token URL The Salesforce OAuth 2.0 Token Endpoint. This is located in the Salesforce backend under Setup > Security Controls > Single Sign-On Settings > SAML Single Sign-On Settings > onelogin > OAuth 2.0 Token Endpoint. (Click the onelogin link, not the nearby Edit button.)
SSO Login URL The OneLogin subdomain. For example, if your OneLogin URL is:

your subdomain is:
