PHP ODBC Code Samples

These examples use the PHP's PDO ODBC extension. Before attempting to run them please follow the instructions contained in our PHP tutorial.

Stored Procedure (I)Call a stored procedure, which returns a result set.
Stored Procedure (II)Call a stored procedure, which searches for and returns a record.
Stored Procedure (III)Call a stored procedure, which inserts records.
Stored Procedure (IV)Call a stored procedure, which updates records.
Stored Procedure (V)Call a stored procedure, which deletes records.
Stored Procedure (VI)Call a stored procedure, which returns an OUTPUT parameter.
Stored Procedure (VII)Call a stored procedure, which returns a value.
Stored Procedure (VIII)Call a stored procedure, which generates multiple rowsets.
Prepared StatementFind and count the number of records in a table that match the supplied criteria.